
1260 Cadets at Wings & Wheels flying show

On Saturday, 5 September, 1260 Squadron Air Cadets were, for the third consecutive year, at the Rectory Farm, Averham, Wings 'n' Wheels county show and flying display. 

The show staged activities commemorating WW1 vehicles and aircraft - with British and German fighter aircraft on show alongside army artillery pieces and…

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Cadets Graduate August 2015

1260 Squadron Newark & District Air Cadets have welcomed the latest Air Cadets to graduate at a ceremony held in front of parents and friends at Newark RAFA Club.

The Air Cadets, who joined in April 2015, have worked together to successfully pass an induction course in which they have…

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Awards for Air Cadets

Presentations have been made to recognise the achievements of those Newark & District Air Cadets who have excelled over recent months in their academic studies, at sport, first aid and in using radios for communication. The continuing commitment of the staff volunteers who also undertake, in their own time, training…

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